Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Seminal Moment?

Well, it seems that not only am I a bad blogger (see previous entry from, what, a month ago?) but now I am days late and out of the country when the first black man all but secures the nomination for the U.S. presidency. Has Obama offered many concrete agenda pieces, pushed anything save for the audacity of hope? Not really, and frankly that is just fine. Is it wrong, or untoward to place political faith in a man who seems principled enough to say something is simply wrong, and reasoned enough to consider opinions not strictly of his own divining - and perhaps just as importantly, not divine. That this man is also black - and yes, I am aware of the fact that he is largely free of the baggage that has plagued the black community/ies of the United States; more Tiger Woods than Rodney King to be sure - makes this a certifiable moment in the political, cultural, social history - hell simply capital "H" History - of the nation. Though I would understand the concession to political expediency if Obama were to take this direction, I hope he, with all due and necessary kind words attached, skips past Clinton as his running-mate. Let us see what now unfolds. Apparently a klatch of astrologers in Denver or some such place, were gathered together to predict who would be the next president, their prediction was Obama would win in November, but that something would prevent him from taking office in January. Talk about audacity, and frankly, I think the likelihood of something ugly happening to him diminishes if Hilary is not #2. I kid, really, lets see what unfolds


1 comment:

jon faith said...

Sneezing from your tea leaves, it was a striking discovery to walk into an essay on Obama. Perhaps we can parse the racial composition of last week's National Spelling Bee: it did appear stilted that ESPN provided coverage and attempted to approach such under their trademarked penumbra.